Registered Offenders

The Boone County Sheriff's Office maintains its list in electronic "public viewable" form through the use of the Missouri State Highway Patrol's (MSHP) Sex Offender Registry Website.

The Boone County Sheriff's Office registers sex offenders Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM - no registration on state holidays.

Below are links to certain Missouri State Statutes that apply to Sex Offender Registration. This list is not all inclusive.

589.400 RSMo
Registration of certain offenders with chief law officers of county of residence--time limitation--cities may request copy of registration--fees--automatic removal from registry--petitions for removal--procedure, notice, denial of petition--higher education students and workers--persons removed.

589.414 RSMo
Registrant's duties on change of address--time limitations for certain notifications--change in online identifiers, duty to report.

566.147 RSMo
Certain offenders not to reside within one thousand feet of a school or childcare facility.

589.425 RSMo
Failure to register, penalty--subsequent violations, penalty.

589.426 RSMo
Halloween, restrictions on conduct--violations, penalty.

566.148 RSMo
Certain offenders not to physically be present or loiter within five hundred feet of a child care facility--violation, penalty.

566.149 RSMo
Certain offenders not to be present within five hundred feet of school property, exception--permission required for parents or guardians who are offenders, procedure--penalty.

566.150 RSMo
Certain offenders not to be present or loiter within five hundred feet of a public park or swimming pool--violation, penalty.

566.155 RSMo
Certain offenders not to serve as athletic coaches, managers, or trainers--violation, penalty.

To view the Missouri Supreme Court rulings please go to the MSHP Sex Offender Fact Sheet.