Frequently Asked Questions


Requesting Records

  1. How do I make a request for Records?
  2. What records can I request?
  3. What are the fees for a record?
  4. When do I pay for my records request?
  5. How long does it take to get my records request?
  6. Can a law enforcement agency deny access to police reports that might otherwise be open?
  7. Where can I obtain 9-1-1 call requests or Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) notes?
  8. Can I get a background check or investigation done through the Boone County Sheriff's Office?

Conceal & Carry Weapon (CCW)

  1. Where can I get the training certificate needed for concealed carry?
  2. Are there places in Missouri I can't carry a firearm whether I have a CCW permit or not?
  3. I took a firearms safety course a number of years ago. Can I use that certificate to apply for a CCW permit without taking a new course?
  4. How can I be added to the Concealed Carry Permit System's statewide instructor database?
  5. What do I do if my permit is lost or destroyed?
  6. What do I do if I change my address?
  7. What do I do if my name changes due to marriage, divorce or some other legal name change?
  8. I pled guilty to a felony charge a long time ago, but I received a Suspended Imposition of Sentence (SIS). Will I still be able to get my CCW permit?


  1. Questions about medications?
  2. What are the intake and release procedures for detainees?
  3. Do detainees have access to clergy?
  4. Can detainees get married during incarceration?
  5. What happens if a detainee's car was impounded during arrest?

Requesting Records

1. How do I make a request for Records?

Records Request are preferred to be submitted in writing or online. Requests may also be made in person at the Boone County Sheriff's Office or by calling the Records Unit at (573) 875-1111 ext. 6128.

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2. What records can I request?

Records whether written or electronically stored that are retained by the Boone County Sheriff's Office and Jail. It is possible that records or portions of them may NOT be open records under the Sunshine Law, Chapter 610, RSMo, and not available for release in part or whole. If a record is deemed a "closed" record you will be advised of such.

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3. What are the fees for a record?

Section 610.026.1(1), RSMo, allows a public governmental body to charge up to 10 cents per page for standard paper copies, the average hourly rate of pay for clerical staff to duplicate documents, and the actual cost of the research time for fulfilling the request. This provision also requires that the public governmental body use the lowest salaried employees capable of searching, researching, and copying the records. Fees for accessing records on other media, or non-standard paper copies, shall reflect actual cost involved. The requestor may wish to ask for a breakdown of the costs associated with the request to determine how the public governmental body arrived at the final charge.

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4. When do I pay for my records request?

Requests are reviewed and either the cost or a cost estimate is provided. Payment is required prior to any record being released.

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5. How long does it take to get my records request?

Section 610.023.3, RSMo, requires that each request be responded to as soon as possible, but no later than the end of the third business day following the custodian of records' receipt of the request. If access is not granted immediately, the custodian of records is required to explain the reason for the delay and the earliest date and time that the records will be available. Therefore, public governmental bodies are allowed to exceed the three days for production, but they are required to notify you of the delay and explain when they anticipate the records will be ready.

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6. Can a law enforcement agency deny access to police reports that might otherwise be open?

Sections 610.100.3 and 610.100.4, RSMo, state that the agency has the authority to withhold the disclosure of records that may otherwise be subject to disclosure under two circumstances. First, if the agency has an articulable concern over the safety of a victim, witness, or other person if the record is revealed. Second, disclosure is not necessary if the criminal investigation is likely to be jeopardized. However, the agency may need court approval for withholding this information.

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7. Where can I obtain 9-1-1 call requests or Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) notes?

Please visit the Boone County Joint Communications website for 9-1-1 call requests or CAD notes.

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8. Can I get a background check or investigation done through the Boone County Sheriff's Office?

No. You will need to contact the Missouri State Highway Patrol at (573) 751-1000 for information on criminal background checks. Additional information can be found on the Missouri State Highway Patrol's Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Division page.

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Conceal & Carry (CCW)

9. Where can I get the training certificate needed for concealed carry?

There are a number of private vendors offering this training. They can be located via various advertisements in the media, and by contacting area gun stores and shooting organizations. The Boone County Sheriff's Office cannot provide specific instructor information.

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10. Are there places in Missouri I can't carry a firearm whether I have a CCW permit or not?

Yes, there are a number of places specifically named in the law in which firearms, carried openly or concealed, are prohibited regardless of whether one has a CCW permit or not.

Missouri Statute 571.107 specifically lists locations and under what circumstances that carrying a firearm is prohibited.

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11. I took a firearms safety course a number of years ago. Can I use that certificate to apply for a CCW permit without taking a new course?

No personal firearms safety training offered prior to the passage of this law will be accepted. Firearms safety courses for application purposes must meet current specific requirements of law, and must be held after September 11, 2003, to be acceptable.

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12. How can I be added to the Concealed Carry Permit System's statewide instructor database?

Instructors who choose to do so, may register with the sheriff in the county in which they reside. To register, an instructor must provide a copy of their valid instructor certification(s), a course outline signed by the instructor and notarized, and a photo of the instructor, and pay a $10 annual fee. The instructor registration must be done annually for those who wish to be in the database and is only good for a calendar year. Any instructor registered in the statewide database shall be presumed by all sheriffs to be a valid instructor, unless the sheriff has reason to believe otherwise. Instructor information on the database is a closed record except for access by any sheriff.

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13. What do I do if my permit is lost or destroyed?

Within seven (7) days of actually discovering the loss or destruction of the permit, the permit holder must come to the Sheriff's Office and "furnish a statement" in writing that the permit is lost/destroyed. A replacement permit will be issued within three (3) days.

A fee of $10 will be charged for processing a replacement permit.

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14. What do I do if I change my address?

If a CCW permit holder moves outside of the county in which their permit was issued, the holder must notify the sheriff of the new jurisdiction within thirty days of the change of permanent residence. The permit holder must show proof of the new address to the sheriff of the new jurisdiction. The sheriff in the new jurisdiction shall notify the sheriff of the old jurisdiction of the permit holder's change of address. The sheriff shall take and destroy the permit from the old jurisdiction and issue a new permit from the new jurisdiction. The sheriff of the new jurisdiction shall report the address change to the concealed carry permit system within three (3) days. The sheriff of the new jurisdiction shall charge a $10 fee for processing an address change. Examples of proof include providing a current lease agreement, current utility bill, home purchase documents, etc. A CCW permit becomes invalid if the holder fails to report the address change as prescribed within 180 days.

A fee of $10 will be charged for the processing of a change of address transaction.

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15. What do I do if my name changes due to marriage, divorce or some other legal name change?

The permit holder shall obtain a corrected permit from the Sheriff that issued their current permit. The permit holder must provide proof of their name change within 30 days to the Sheriff that issued their current permit. Acceptable proof includes a marriage license/certificate, divorce decree or other court issued document verifying the name change. The Sheriff shall report the name change to the concealed carry permit system within 3 days of receipt of the information.

A CCW permit becomes invalid if the holder fails to report the name change as prescribed within 180 days.

A fee of $10 will be charged for processing a name change.

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16. I pled guilty to a felony charge a long time ago, but I received a Suspended Imposition of Sentence (SIS). Will I still be able to get my CCW permit?

No. Anyone who has ever "pled guilty to or entered a plea of nolo contendere or been convicted of a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year," is disqualified from receiving a CCW permit. An imprisonment term exceeding one year defines a felony. That a person received an SIS is irrelevant for the purposes of CCW, and they shall be denied.

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17. Questions about medications?

Detainees who are arrested and currently under a doctor's care and are taking prescribed medications must advise the custody staff upon initial booking of the types and dosages of medication, such as insulin, diabetic, blood pressure medication, and particularly heart related medication.

Necessary medication may be allowed in the facility on a case by case basis due to lag time in setting up some medications from our contract medical care provider. Those detainees on unique medications should make the medical department aware of such prescriptions and doctor contact information.

It is extremely important that the detainee inform the medical department of all medications that are taken daily to ensure that required medications are ordered and dispensed accordingly.

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18. What are the intake and release procedures for detainees?

The Boone County Jail has a 24 hour a day/ 7 days a week intake/release procedure. Except for minimal disruption during mandatory count periods, family members may bond out detainees at any time. The Jail is located behind the main entrance of the Sheriff's Office (notable by the lighted flag pole). Once you enter the parking area of the Sheriff's Office Complex, there is signage that will direct you to the Jail Parking lot and entrance. Our jail is located at 2121 County Drive, Columbia Missouri 65202.

Please see the Custody Operations page for information on intake.

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19. Do detainees have access to clergy?

We have special visitation times set for clergy visits to our detainee population. Approved Clergy must make an appointment with our main control room, (573) 875-1111 ext. 6220.

Clergy Visitation Days & Times

Saturday & Sunday
8:00 AM - 11:00 AM
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
8:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Tuesday & Thursday Evenings
8:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Clergy must submit to a criminal history check and be approved by Jail Administration. Fill out and return the Volunteer Application to the Boone County Jail using the mailing instructions located at the top of the form.

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20. Can detainees get married during incarceration?

The detained party(s) in the Boone County Jail who wish to get married must follow the Boone County Recorder's Office marriage license filing requirements before scheduling a marriage ceremony at the Boone County Jail.

The ceremony may not be allowed if the safety and/or security of the facility could be compromised.

It is the detainee's responsibility to ensure that an individual authorized to perform the ceremony is available and has a building access check completed prior to the ceremony.

Once an authorized individual has been obtained the detainee(s) requesting the marriage ceremony can contact the Jail Administration for scheduling purposes.

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21. What happens if a detainee's car was impounded during arrest?

If the vehicle that the detainee was driving was impounded you must contact the arresting agency for information as to where the vehicle is located. If the Sheriff's Office was involved in the arrest, you need to contact (573) 875-1111 and ask for the Enforcement Supervisor to obtain this information.

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